Monday, 15 October 2012

my 1st brownies

my first dah macam rupa cookies in a jar...quite bitter, tp ok for choco lovers like me. sbb terasa kecoklatannya..yum..yum..

Sunday, 14 October 2012


Alhamdulillah, i've registered for a one day cake baking class. Next Saturday @ Kolej Komuniti Selayang. Tak sabar rasanya. Well , first step as a start. Bolela blajar teknik2 & petua2 in cake making.

Semlm, try buat brownies, tp x dpt sambutan dr the kids n hubby, coz they prefer cakes rather than brownies..ok..

Today, too buzy with laundrying...2 baskets of dirty clothes to empty them. last, late at nite, aku berjaya kosongkan juga...hahaha...what a great mum...well, pujila diri sendiri, apa salahnya..

So, my baking session to be postponed. lagipun the boys having final exam this week, so tak syoklah ganggu diorang dgn aroma kek masa depa study...sure they cant focus...

Ok, to my lovely Adeeb & Afeef, all the best tomorrow..ingat Allah, InsyaAllah.....dipermudahkan...Mama doakan semoga berjaya...

Thursday, 11 October 2012

my plan

 Bisnes plan

To sell:  

1) Plain butter cake
2) Strawberry Cake
3) Orange Cake
4) Coklat Cake
5) Brownies
6) Cotton Cheese Cake

for 5 & 6 tu, masih belum try, tapi tulah yg nak cuba this weekend...thanks to my beloved babysitter yg sentiasa jadi mangsa as a food tester for my cooking....thanks for the comments.
Resepi - semuanya aku ambik dlm buku masakan, pastu adjustla skit-skit. Byk juga refer pada internet, rata2 basicnya sama jer, cuma cara jer different. Tips etc...thanks to bloggers masakan yg byk bg info.

next to plan: packing style...& Pricing...

(no pic to upload coz tak ambik gambar pon lepas buat kek itu hari..I will after this)

minat baru

wow...dah lama sgt2 tak update blog...quite bz dengan kerja di opis.
Entah macam mana lately datang pulak minat baru...cake baking....hahaha...actually, bukanlah minat baru, mmg suka memasak, cuma into baking nie especially cakes mmg out of the mind.
Dalam masa seminggu dah 7 bijik kek aku hasilkan. Alhamdulillah ... bukan apa, tiap kali terpandangkan microwave yg hubby belikan tu selalu jer ada persoalan yg timbul...mcm mana nak dapat return from this mw??? first trial buat kek itu hari suspen gak coz, all this while just guna that mw utk preheat lauk pauk or buat puding why not try kan??

so terhasillah few cakes ...alhamdulillah...hubby bwk gi opis dh 2 kali..what does that means??, 2 bijik strawberry cake the boys bawak gi sekolah for their childrens day..siap ada butter topping lg...first time buat tu and the outcome cam kelakar, sememeh la skit..amatur la katakan...

anyway, i think this biz is great to get into...hahaha boleh ke? am i serious?? i want to take up a baking class n tgh survey la nie...sebab the first thing yg u should have is ILMU right...hmmm

next, promotion...tgh pikior what kind of promotion to start.

Ya Allah, Engkau permudahkanlah jalanku ini. Semoga ia dapat menjadi sumber pendapatan bila dah pencen nanti..hopefully by that time, impian to have my own 'kitchen' akan tercapai...AMEEN..

Wednesday, 28 March 2012


the most i want to reach one day...InsyaAllah...Ya Allah, please allow me...